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NSW Solar Rebate 2023 Comprehensive Explained

NSW Solar Rebate 2023 Comprehensive Explained

The state government is offering rebates and incentives to NSW homeowners installing solar systems for their energy needs. You can benefit from the scheme if you plan to go green or already have a solar system installed. Around 30,000 households are getting solar rebates in NSW; you can also be one. 

Investing in a solar system is a smart move to eliminate hefty energy bills. With the government's support, you can save significant money on the initial investment. Hence, it’s the best time to make your move. You will cover initial setup costs much sooner and start reaping the benefits quickly.  

Learn about NSW solar panel rebate procedures and more with us!

How Does Solar Rebate Work in NSW?

Solar rebates are offered to homeowners in NSW under the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). The rebate mechanism is simple, encouraging people to adapt to clean energy options. Here’s how it works; 

Step 1: When you plan on installing a solar system or have one already installed, you can create Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs). The number of certificates you can make depends on your system's KWs capacity and location in NSW. 

Step 2: These STCs are tradable and have monetary value. You can get an upfront discount on your solar system or receive cash incentives depending on your STCs value. The value depends on market conditions, i.e., demand and supply scenario or controlled by government agencies. 

Step 3: You can assign the right to create your STCs to a registered agent or your solar installer. They'll trade them and provide you with financial incentives. If you wish to sell them, you can use the STC clearing house platform for cash incentives. 

 The concept of offering solar rebates is to make solar energy more accessible and affordable. The government is trying to reach its Renewable Energy Target (RET) to cope with climate change. The SRES initiative allows you to participate in environmental protection and get monetary and social benefits. 

Related article: QLD Solar Rebate: Ultimate Guide 2023

State Government Solar Rebate NSW

The state government solar rebate aims to support low-income groups to bear their energy expenditures and encourage clean energy usage. It comprises multiple initiatives that are part of NSW climate and energy action in-line with the federal government's RET program.  

National Solar Subsidy

National Solar Subsidy is designed for homeowners and small businesses. It is also known as Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). There are only two eligibility requirements to avail of a national solar subsidy;

  1. Installation of a solar system by a Clean Energy Council-accredited solar installer. 
  2. The solar system capacity must be less than 100 kilo-watts.  

How to Apply?

 If you're eligible for National Solar Subsidy, you can effortlessly apply through a registered agent or your solar installer. The application process involves two simple steps and can be completed online. The first step is creating Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs), and the second is completing compliance paperwork. 

Solar For Low-Income Households

Solar for Low-Income Households is a special rebate for North Coast NSW territory low-income households. Under this initiative, the government provides a 3 Kilo-watt solar system. Initially, the program is offered to 3,000 eligible households. The eligibility criterion is as follows;

  1. The homeowner must be receiving the low-income rebate. 
  2. The household does not have a pre-installed solar system.
  3. The homeowner must hold a Pensioner Concession Card or Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card.
  4. The house must be located in North Coast NSW.

How to Apply?

 If you're eligible, you can move your eligibility application online using the NSW government portal. Then you'll go through a house suitability assessment and consent paperwork. If the application is accepted, the installation will be completed. 

Solar Feed-in Tariff NSW

Solar FiT is the subsidy you get when surplus energy from your solar system is transferred to the main grid. In simple words, FiT is the amount you get while selling electricity to the grid. The tariff is paid per kilowatt-hour by the electricity retailer. 

Best Solar Feed-In Tariff NSW 2023

The buy-back rates are fluctuating and not fixed. The best FiT rates offered in NSW during the third quarter of 2023 are the following;


Minimum FIT (c/kWh)

Maximum FIT (c/kWh)

Energy Australia






Origin Energy



Red Energy



How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in NSW?

The solar panel costs are variable; a good quality solar panel will cost you anywhere from about $500 to $2000, depending on the capacity. Given recent market rates, if you calculate costs for a 10Kw fully installed system, the average expenditure will be around $8,900 to $12,500. 

If you want to buy the best quality product at market competitive rates, there’s no better option than BLUETTI. You can buy 420W BLUETTI PV420 Solar Panel at an astonishing price of $1,399 only. The 23.4% conversion rate of PV420 offers you a more extended power backup, coupled with the 420W solar power. You don't need to wait hours before getting your solar panels fully charged before the sun sets. With durability and flash-proof properties, this BLUETTI solar panel is a must to buy.

 And if you’re going for a more minor system, you can buy a 120W BLUETTI PV120 Solar Panel at just $399. Do you know what's best about it? You can use the MC4 connectors and attach the PC120 solar panel to almost any generator. This solar panel is so lightweight and convenient you can move and carry it anywhere you want by folding it.

Related article: A Guide to Solar Powering Your Home

Why Should You Get Solar Power in NSW?

Getting solar power in NSW can increase your energy affordability and save you a lot of money. You can reimagine your financial goals and utilize your hard-earned money more productively. Plus, you can fulfill your social responsibility by taking part in protecting the environment. 

Solar rebate

It's the best time to opt for solar power when the government offers you rebates and incentives. The solar system installation costs are high, which often delays your anticipated return on investment. With solar rebates, the installation costs are reduced, which allows you to access cheap energy much earlier.  


Making investments in solar power is a wise decision. The long-term benefits are incomparable to the investment you make today. After covering installation costs, the system becomes self-sufficient. If you go for Solar Feed-in Tariff, you can also get cash incentives. Plus, you can get energy independence.

How to get energy independence? BLUETTI is empowering you to stay off-grid with its advanced-level products. Make the suitable investment in BLUETTI Solar Generator Kits and start your free days with complete energy independence and reliance on pure solar power.

BLUETTI AC300 covers your household needs, whereas BLUETTI AC200MAX is a portable option. Buy these both, and welcome the good days!

Protect the environment

The climate change situation is worsening day by day. It's high time to take decisions that will make our world habitable for future generations. As an individual, the best contribution you can make to protect the environment is to use clean energy. So, fulfill your social responsibility and go for solar power!

Do you know? You can now use clean energy anywhere you go. Your carbon footprint can be zero without making much of an effort. Thanks to BLUETTI for introducing Solar Portable Power Stations. You can carry them anywhere and proudly use clean energy.

BLUETTI AC180 Solar Portable Power Station 

This is a revolutionary device that is effectively charged on solar power. It empowers you to carry your solar power with you. It has a massive battery capacity of 1152Wh. You can completely rely on clean energy without worrying about your energy needs. 

Final Thoughts

Renewable energy is the need of the hour; the NSW government is taking applaudable steps to make it accessible and affordable. You should not have second thoughts about choosing clean energy, especially when getting government support. Take a wise decision and go green today!

There's no better energy option at the household level than sustainable solar power. It is reliable, cost-effective, and above all, safe for the environment. Use the rebate and other incentives from the government to set up a solar system for your home. Hopefully, the benefits will turn your anxiety into strength. 


Are solar rebates reducing in 2023?

The government plans to reduce solar rebates to zero by the end of 2031. Therefore, the rebates are partially reduced every year. The solar rebate compared to 2022 are less in 2023, and the same effect will be seen in the future.

What government rebates are available in NSW?

There are multiple rebates currently offered to NSW citizens, like Solar Rebates, Low-Income Household Rebates, Gas Rebates, Family Energy Rebates, Medical Energy Rebates, Seniors Energy Rebates, and Energy Accounts Payment Assistance Scheme. 

How to calculate solar rebate NSW?

The REC Registry has a dedicated online calculator where you can calculate solar rebates in NSW. The formula for calculating the rebate is Total Solar Array Combined Wattage x 1.382 x the current STC multiplier of 10 years / 1000.

What is the max solar feed-in tariff in NSW?

Solar feed-in tariffs fluctuate over time. As of 2023, the max solar feed-in tariff is 7.60 cents to 15.00 cents per kWh offered by Energy Australia. You should look for yourself to see current solar feed-in tariffs. 

Am I eligible for the NSW energy rebate?

The eligibility for the NSW energy rebate depends on the scheme you are applying for. The general eligibility criterion is based on income, living situation, and energy consumption. And sometimes, your eligibility may be subject to a Pensioner Concession Card, Low-Income Health Care Card, or Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card. Please read our blog to check the eligibility criteria for the NSW energy rebate.